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Questions Often Asked About Rural Fencing

Q. Are the fence posts concreted in the ground?

A. Depending on the size of the job and the access will determine if the post will be drive in the ground using a tractor mounted post driver or if the job is small or the access is bad then posts will be concrete in.

Q. Do posts or star pickets make a stronger fence?

A. Treated pine posts and star pickets both will make a rigid fence, commonly star pickets and pine posts will be used together, 2-5 star pickets may be in-between treated pine posts which will keep the price of the fence down. Only using star pickets makes a strong fence but using electric wires is advised if the fence is keeping livestock in as it will stop them pushing the fence over, this is the case with pine posts in soft ground.

Q. What are end assemblies?

A. An end assembly is need at either end of the fence and it any point along the line of the fence where it changes direction, a wire fence has to be straight, without end assemblies at turning points when the wire are strained the post will pull over. As a wire fence relies on strain to keep animals in or out then the posts at the end need to be very sturdy or it will pull out of the ground, this is done by building an end assembly, there are many types of end assemblies so let FFM help you choose the right one for you.

Q. How far in the ground do you put the posts?

A. Depending on whether your posts will be driven in the ground or concrete will determine how far in the ground they are. Corner posts are drive in the ground 1.2 meter, if using concrete then they are up to 900mm in the ground, intermediate post are driven in the ground 600mm and the same depth for concreting in the posts. Posts can be rammed to what depth you require depending on ground conditions.

Q. How long does it take to get a quote?

A. FFM work as quickly as they can to get to your property to look at conditions and measure up the job you are wanting done, you will receive a quote within 48 hours of the measure up, if you are after a guide then you can email us measurements, ground conditions and style of fence we can get a quote to you quicker so you have an idea what your fence is going to cost.

Q. How long will my fence last?

A. Your fence should last 25-30 years in reasonable conditions with regular maintenance, but it could last up to 50 years. Keeping stock off fence with electric wire or barbed wire will extended the life of the fence as this will stop them stretching the wire and pulling the end posts out of the ground. Replacing broken posts and keeping wires tight will mean your fence will look better for longer.Is running the wires through the pine posts or stapling on the front better?

Drilling holes through treated pine posts and running your plain wire through the posts will weaken the posts and the wire will rust where it pasts through the post. It is stronger in that the animals will not have to worry about staples pulling out. FFM us 50mm barbed staples and we find these are more than sufficient in holding the wire in place against the post without compromising the post or wire.

Q. Do I need main power to run an electric fence unit?

A. Depending how long the fence you will be electrifying is will determine if you need a mains powered energiser or if you can use a solar powered electric fence unit. If you are able to connect to a power point close to the fence then this will be cheaper as the mains powered units cost less. Solar is good in that you will not need to pay for the electricity to run the unit which may cost less in the long term. Solar is great if you are setting up temporary fencing or strip grazing where main are not available.